Why You Need to Try a Beachbody 3 Day Refresh Experience
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Why You Need to Try a Beachbody 3 Day Refresh Experience

Okay, so let me first start out by saying, I don't usually go for these "quick fix" diets or cleanses. I strongly believe in the good ol' fashion hard work, determination and eating well. I tend to also go easy on protein supplements and fat burners. I use them occasionally, but I always pay close attention to how my body reacts to them.

I have to start out by saying, I am a Beachbody Coach and have been a Personal Trainer for a few years. I personally had always steered clear of Cleanses and 'special diets'. Since becoming a Coach a while back, I've been reading a lot about how Beachbody's 3 Day Refresh has worked for a lot of other individuals in such a short time, I decided I'd give it a try.

There are also two options..1) 3 Day Refresh without Shakeology and 2) 3 Day Refresh with Shakeology. I bought 3 Day Refresh without Shakeology because I already drink it daily, and already had a package of Shakeology ready to go in my kitchen.

What is the 3-Day Refresh?

The 3-Day Refresh by Beachbody is 3-day program of specially formulated shakes, healthy snacks, and delicious, easy-to-prepare meals that have been scientifically designed to help you lose weight and break the cycle of bad eating while dramatically improving the way you feel.

How is the 3-Day Refresh with Beachbody different from other cleanses?

Unlike juice fasts or liquid cleanses that are high in sugar and low in protein (which can leave you feeling weak and sluggish), the Beachbody 3-Day Refresh is scientifically designed to help support your metabolism while nourishing your vital organs.* Plus, you actually get to eat delicious, real food during this program.

Why Refresh with Beachbody?

• You need a clean break from a period of unhealthy eating.

• You used to eat pretty well but have recently fallen off the wagon and need some help getting back on.

• You want to jump-start healthy eating habits for a new workout program.

• You want to quickly lose a few pounds for an upcoming event.

• You’ve never been a healthy eater, but are ready to kick-start better nutrition for the first time.

• You want your clothes to fit better.

• You want more energy.

• You love food and want to be satisfied while you lose weight and get healthier.

• You’ve tried liquid fasts or other fad diets and they simply don’t work.

What’s included?

• 3 packets of Shakeology—your choice of 6 flavors (Beachbody highly recommends Chocolate Vegan or Tropical Strawberry Vegan during the Refresh as plant proteins are often easier for the body to digest)

• 6 packets of Vanilla Fresh (high-protein shake)

• 3 packets of Fiber Sweep (digestive drink)

• 1 Program Guide

What does one eat and drink while Refreshing?

• FILTERED WATER: In addition to the water you use in your shakes and teas, we recommend you drink at least half your body weight in ounces of filtered water each day.

I would recommend that you take a water bottle with you everywhere you go and fill it up. I use the Iron Flask Sports Water Bottle. This one is great because It keeps your drink COLD for up to 24 hours AND It never leaves a metal taste in your mouth or rust.

• BREAKFAST: A superfood-packed Shakeology shake, plus one fruit option. To make my Shakeology, I use a Blender Bottle. It's easy to wash, and mixes your Shakeology up so there are no chunks of the powder left in your cup.

• MORNING TEA: 1 cup of unsweetened herbal or green tea.

• LATE MORNING: Fiber Sweep, a digestive health drink

• LUNCH: Vanilla Fresh shake, plus 1 option from the Fruit List, 1 option from the Vegetable List, and 1 option from the Healthy Fats list

• AFTERNOON SNACK: 1 option from Vegetable List, and 1 option from the Healthy Fats list

• AFTERNOON TEA: 1 cup of unsweetened herbal tea (caffeine-free)

• DINNER: Vanilla Fresh shake, 1 option from the Dinner Recipes, and 1 cup of organic vegetable broth (optional)

• EVENING TEA: 1 cup of unsweetened herbal tea (caffeine-free) What to expect when Refreshing.

The Beachbody 3-Day Refresh is a low-calorie program (about 900 calories a day) but because the shakes and food selections are high in protein and fiber they help keep you satiated throughout the day. Because this program is packed with fiber, if you don’t already have a diet that’s high in fruits, veggies, and whole grains, it’s a good idea to prepare for the Beachbody 3-Day Refresh by eating a large salad and/or a few servings of fresh veggies throughout the week leading up to it. Fiber promotes satiety, balances blood sugar, promotes cardiovascular health, and keeps your digestive tract functioning. It is recommend to focus on mild to moderate exercise during the Beachbody 3-Day Refresh because this program will be more effective when your body can focus on cleansing.

Okay, so with that said, I decided to give it a try. Let me first warn anyone who takes the fiber...it taste nasty. lol. But, the good thing about it is that you only drink it for 3 days...and it's actually quite good for you. I just kind of downed it quickly. I like to compare it to trying to swallow a pill. You know it's good for you, and you do it as quick as you can. :)

The Results

On the first morning, I woke up and weighed myself. I weighed 170.

The first day was a bit rough for me because I have already established certain times that I eat. I am use to getting up and eating real food throughout the day. (Currently, I am completing the 21 Day Fix - there's ALOT of food involved.). So cutting my calories down that far, was a hard adjustment. By the second day, I did a little bit better. I did have some food cravings, but I stuck to the schedule and surprisingly didn't give in. I was also surprised how much water I did actually drink. I'm always one to drink only water, but by logging it in a journal and becoming aware of it, I was able to see on paper and hold myself accountable. Again, I kind of dreaded the fiber, but just thought to myself it's such a short time, just do it. The third day was oh so much easier! No food cravings, I felt energized and ready to take on the day.

At the end of the third day, I jumped on the scale to find that I had lost 6 lbs! I was shocked to see this number! Especially, since my 4th baby, almost a year ago, I have been struggling to loose the weight (still wearing my maternity jeans). I really feel like this has given me the push that I needed. I now have the motivation to keep going. I know I like to see results...consistently...I may add.

All in all, I would totally do this 3 Day Refresh again. When you buy 3 Day Refresh, there is also an option that you can choose to order one time, every month or quarterly.

After trying it, I know I am going to order this monthly so I can stay on track to my goal weight. Go ahead, give it a try and let me know if it worked for you!

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